Birth Time Rectification

Astrology is a guiding factor in life that helps us make appropriate and opportune decisions. Though we all like to be masters of our own destiny, there are always factors that we have no control over. For example: everyone is born with specific innate talents. If we make a career choice that goes directly against or does not utilize our innate talents, we are likely to experience struggles in our career path. With the guidance of Vedic Astrology, you can be made aware of the positive and negative trends in various aspects of your life. In the report, we will provide detailed information about your strengths, weaknesses,& rajayogas. This will give you insights into your own personality, so you can use your personality traits to your advantage and improve various aspects of your life.

An accurate time of birth is as vital to vedic astrology as the date of birth. Without the correct time of birth, the astrological reading will not be very reliable and may not give you an actual picture of things that unfold in the future. However, we are able to calculate your accurate time of birth using a process known as birth time rectification. 

In the order form, please list 10 or more incidents that have happened in your life with the exact dates of their occurrence. You can also provide exact times if you have those available. Please also provide information about your key physical features, such as prominent birthmark, scar, or mole placements, and any major health-related concerns. Please share any further information that you may feel will aid us in arriving at an accurate birth time.



Price Details : 85

Service Details

  •  Predictions will be sent by email in approximately 20 business days.
  •  - Unless otherwise specified (one year family package, marriage compatibility, muhurta determination II), each service is only for an individual chart
  •  Please contact us if you are looking to create a new multi-person or family package. We will try our best to work with you on an individual basis

If interested in any other services not mentioned above, please contact us.